Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 154 - Fruit and Veggie Box with Ravioli Salad

Grape Tomatoes, Mandarin Oranges, Ravioli Salad, Green Grapes, Cucumber Slices

Alright, friends, same drill as yesterday, except today we have Ravioli Salad!  It's just one package of cheese ravioli tossed with 4 oz of pimentos, julienned veggies stolen from my bagged salad, olive oil, white balsamic vinegar, and a little salt.  Not even worth writing out a recipe, but so delicious!  I added in grapes and mandarin oranges for sweetness, as well as more tomatoes and cucumber.  Yum! Pin It Now!


  1. Just found your blog and am so glad. I started healthy lunch box for the last month. I use a combination of containers in a bento type main container. I am so glad I am doing it I not only feel better but am losing weight as well. Thank you for some ideas.

    1. Glad to be of help! Hope you come up with some creative and healthy ideas!

  2. Absolutely beautiful lunch! It is so colorful and inviting - and it looks delicious!
    ~Rebecca at Bentos on the Bayou

    1. Thanks! And thanks for stopping by...knowing that people like my lunches is so flattering AND motivating! :)

  3. All of your lunches look so tasty and colorful...fun to eat. I really like that you include the recipes. Getting ready to share on my FB page https://facebook.com/jacquelinesgems Keep it up...you'll be to 200 before you know it!

    1. Thanks for the FB plug! I loved your page, so colorful and vibrant!
